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The Buzz Around Southwest Regional Library


Construction Update!

Construction is progressing on the new Southwest Regional Library! As you drive along Cuthbertson Road, you can see the framework and walls being constructed. With approximately 19,000 square feet, this space will offer so much to the community. Our anticipated opening date is March 2024. 

Join the Foundation in supporting the Our Library, Our Future Capital Campaign.

Did you see us around town?

We had a great time at the Waxhaw Fourth of July Parade! A special thank you to Jen Mitchell and her family for participating two years in a row and coordinating the Foundation's presence!


Stack the Shelves

Through your sponsorship of our Opening Day Collection, join the library's mission to explore, create, and learn by helping us Stack The Shelves with books at Southwest Regional Library.

Your donation to the Union County Library Foundation provides the gift of learning to countless others and will be acknowledged through a book or shelf plate.

Purchase one book for $25, 10 for $250, or a shelf for $500. A shelf sponsorship will be designated with a personalized shelf plate for five years on a shelf of approximately 20 books.

Thank you for becoming an integral part of UCLF's ongoing commitment to serving our community!

Click here to learn more!


Our Newest Partnerships

UCLF is pleased to dedicate the Outdoor Patio of the Southwest Regional Library to honor the contributions of the Weddington/Marvin Grassroots Donors from the 2007 Weddington Library fundraising campaign. The Grassroots Donors gave us a legacy for modeling community-based fundraising through inter-generational events that foster a spirit of community while working toward a common goal. We look forward to hosting a more formal gathering where we will officially name the Outdoor Pavilion in honor of the Grassroots Donors. We appreciate the Grassroots Donors’ ongoing support of the Grassroots Donors for the new Southwest Regional Library! 

A special thank you to Cuthbertson High School National Honor Society for their donation of $2,500 and a naming opportunity for a Storywalk® reading station at Southwest Regional. UCLF is honored that NHS students at Cuthbertson High School chose the new library for such a generous gift. Cuthbertson High School students are excited about the possibilities that Southwest Regional Library affords the youth of Union County. 


Help Support Our Story!

Bookmark Donors

Be a part of our story! The first 100 donors of $100 or more will be recognized as Bookmark Donors. These donors will be invited to a "sneak-peek" tour of the SWRL prior to the official ribbon-cutting ceremony. Donate today  to reserve your page in our story!


Share your favorite books with your neighbors and help support the new Southwest Regional Union County Library – all at once! Plant a sign with a gift of $20 or more and help our library grow to A New Chapter. Learn more here

Need more information?

Presenters are available for homeowners’ or neighborhood associations, book clubs, PTOs, and civic organizations to share information about Southwest Regional Library and the many ways Union County residents can be a part of our story. Let us know of your organization’s interest through an email request: info@uclibraryfoundation.org


Our Sponsors


Various naming opportunities are available for inspired spaces within Southwest Regional Library. Email info@UCLibraryFoundation.org for additional information if interested in exploring a naming opportunity.

Follow Us

Contact Union County Library Foundation
316 E. Windsor St. | Monroe, North Carolina 28112
704-283-8184 |

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